Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Tabernacle in Legos

Last week we discussed the Tabernacle that God instructed Moses to build. One of the boys put together his own rendering of the Tabernacle using Legos.

My son, Ethan, decided when he got to home to try his hand a Tabernacle construction.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Law and Evangelism

I shared a bit last week on the topic of using the Law in evangelism. I Tim 1:8 say that the Law is good, if it is used lawfully. While the law has no power to make any man righteous, it is useful in showing men how horrible they really are. We tend to judge ourselves based on a comparison of those around us, instead of according to God's enduring commandments revealing the standards of right and wrong that are a part of his created order.

One of the great things about God's moral law, is that it is embedded in the conscience of every man. That makes it even more difficult to resist, and one of the greatest tools to point people to their need of salvation from their own guilt. The law makes sin, exceedingly sinful, as Romans 7:13 says.

So how do you use the law to point people to Jesus Christ, the Savior? Below is an example from Ray Comfort.

Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron run a ministry together called Way of the Master, that teaches Christians how to effectively share their faith. Ray has a teaching called Hell's Best Kept Secret that provides an outstanding and compelling case for both why and how you should use the law in evangelism.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Walk Through the Bible

The last several Thursday nights, George has been sharing a broad overview of Biblical history based on the Walk Through the Bible seminars. He's been starting off with a short quiz to see how much we know already.

Then we read a portion of scripture...

and go through a series of hand motions to help us remember the major events of biblical history.

This week included pulling out the world map to see were all these places we've been talking about are.